NorthWest Auto Salon has been growing at an exponential rate over these few short years and we have quickly surpassed the capacity our current building allows. As many of you have have heard by now, NorthWest Auto Salon and Cats Exotics will be sharing a new facility in Lynnwood Washington opening this spring. This is really exciting for us because it is giving us the chance to build the detailing facility we have always dreamed of. Light tunnels, indoor wash bays, in ground lifts; this new facility will state of the art in the detailing industry. We started with a brand new, completely empty, building so we had a blank slate in which to design the best facility possible. As we are planning on moving in in a few short months, I will be taking weekly trips to the new shop to get photos and update a build progress blog. Here are some photos of the current state of the new shop.

Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Starts Work On New Building
Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Moves New Building

Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Starts Work On New Building
Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Moves New Building

Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Starts Work On New Building
Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Moves New Building

Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Starts Work On New Building
Seattle Auto Detailing NorthWest Auto Salon Moves New Building

They are planning on breaking ground and installing piping and wiring next week so inspect an update shortly!

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